These days it is not impossible to get a car insurance policy where you do not need to make the initial down payment and one which still charges you a low rate of premium. Common sense dictates that when you make down payment your insurance rates come down and when no down payment is made the rates shoot up. You can get answers to this question on the internet - where can I get an auto insurance with no money down? Normally your rates go up in case of zero initial down payment because the insurers recover their costs with the increased premium.
In case of a down payment upfront, high rates are not needed since some income is generated right at the start. Coming back to the kind of policies being talked about right at the start, these days there are several kinds of companies that provide these policies in the United States of America. In the North American laws ask that everyone with a car have insurance as well. However, you can always buy a car insurance no money down low rates. However, there are several reasons as to why your insurance premiums may be different from others.
The first important factor in this case is the make of your car and the second important part is the car model that you are driving. Your present credit rating will also play a major role in this regard. The higher it is, lower will be the premium that you pay and vice versa. You can also pay six monthly car insurance no deposit. Your past driving record also plays a major role in this regard as well. If your record is a good one then your premiums will be low and vice versa.
In a nutshell, the premium that you pay is a combination of all these factors. There are a few things that you need to know before you go looking for these policies on the internet. For more information on car insurance zero down payment please look up